A quick glossary of different natural crystal formations:

Isis (Goddess)
An Isis crystal has a dominant face which has 5 sides with a tall sharp point at the topmost part. This five-sided face with an elongated side that extends to the apex is symmetrical. The two top sides of the face are longer than the two bottom ones that connect to the base. The sides are said to represent the five of elements, earth, fire, water, wind and storm.
Considered to be a goddess crystal, a crystal with an Isis face helps one to get in touch with their feminine energy, and for men, helps them to be more attuned to the aspects of women that may be elusive. It has a gentle, nurturing energy and is a good choice as a healing crystal.

A Phantom crystal is a crystal which has formed over another crystal. When looking at a Phantom crystal, it will appear as if the there is a (partial, or rarely, full) mirror image of the crystal on the inside, or a “phantom” representation. The Phantom may appear a cloudy white color, but can also be other colors depending on the type of mineral making up the Phantom.

Time Link
Time Link crystals are said to provide understandings about your past or insights into future events depending on which side of the crystal the Time Link is found. The Time Link itself is a parallelogram (an inclined window) beneath the point of the crystal.
Left Time Link: Time Link to the Past
Right Time Link: Time Link to the Future
An ancient symbol itself, the parallelogram represents the power to change your current situation with the willingness to be open and flexible to accept new paths, directions and different or new ideas. The Time Link supports you in achieving your goals if the parallelogram is leaning towards the left, and it is excellent for bolstering your inspiration and creativity if the parallelogram is leaning towards the right.
Time Links, when used in crystal grids, meditated with or kept under your pillow when sleeping can bring you information you may not have otherwise realized.

A Penetrator is a crystal formation where one crystal is penetrating another. A Penetrator’s termination can be located within the ‘parent’ crystal or it can even extend outside of the opposite side of the larger crystal. Penetrators can also be called “Bridge” or “Inner Child” crystals depending on individual configurations.

Trans-Channeling (Dow)
A Trans-Channeling crystal formation (sometimes called a Dow crystal) is a rare formation which has three seven-sided faces with three perfect triangular faces between each seven-sided face.