It was already hot and sticky outside this morning when I went to do my card pull so I changed plans and headed back to the bedroom – Keith was on a conference call so I had the room to myself and I sat in one of the big armchairs holding my deck of cards waiting until it was time to pull one.

The deck I had chosen was a Lenormand, Gilded Reverie and I pulled Tree. The card depicts a large tree, roots firmly planted in the ground, with a rainbow and a symbol that I am very drawn to in the center, the Tree of Life.
The tree represents the health of your body, mind and soul. It tells us to put down roots and prepare for a secure future. It represents for me, stability, continuity, growth.
The tree of life represents ancient roots, generations and antiquity. The rainbow is a symbol representing a connection between what is above and what is below.
So, what did this card tell me about my present? It was amazingly clear to me.

This week my mother, my daughter and I have been working together to pack orders, care for the crystals, paint tiles and do all those tasks related to my crystals and website. Three generations, and it’s been great. The sheer joy I feel those moments when I see my mom and my daughter working together, deciding how to do this or that, is a true gift. Offering the crystals helps to secure our future and allows me to be here for my youngest son in elementary school, it helps to pay for my daughter’s college education and it is something I love. I am so grateful that I can spend my days doing something I love.
The rainbow, for me, is a reminder that this is a gift and one that I need to never take for granted and to be thankful for it. I know I need to slow down also because a tree is healthy as long as it has what it needs.
I made a new grid and it is everything I wanted it to be. Four sunstone, four moonstone, four petrified wood and four rose quartz. One for the three of us and one for the next generation to come. Sunstone and moonstone to represent our strength in a family of strong women, petrified wood as a nod to the tree card and for grounding and stability. And rose quartz for the love we share for each other. When my daughter goes back to college this weekend I will look at this grid and remember the inspiration for making it and it will make me smile and remember to give thanks.