How do I Know if My Chakras Need Balancing?


Our chakras are our 7 main energy centers. Like other critical components in our mind and body, we can experience negative physical and mental effects when these components need attention.

How do we know when our chakras need balancing? It really depends on the chakra, however each chakra corresponds to certain physical and spiritual ailments we might face.

Of course, it’s always important to consult a medical doctor to help diagnose specific physical issues, so  use this information as an additional tool, not an alternative, to a medical professional.

Root Chakra

Root Chakra

Establishes your connection with your physical body and the environment

When this chakra is balanced you feel:
Grounded and a sense of safety with the physical world.

When this chakra is unbalanced, you might feel:
Emotional imbalances include disorganization, and irrational fears and anxiety about your safety with respect to your basic survival needs.  You also may be very strongly  resistant to any type of change.

Physical symptoms could include fatigue, prostate disorders, eating disorders, and arthritis.



chakra sacral

Sacral Chakra

Provides our ability to sense and experience pleasure and enjoyment

When this chakra is balanced you feel:
Confident in taking risks, creative, committed, passionate, and sexual

When this chakra is unbalanced, you might feel:
Emotional imbalances include inability to express emotions, lack of energy or passion for life, creativity is blocked, an inability to overcome addictions, fear of impotence and betrayal.  Or, you may feel overly emotional much of the time.

Physical symptoms could include issues with the reproductive system, irregular menstrual cycles, irritable bowel syndrome, and joint stiffness.



chakra solar plexus

Solar Plexus Chakra

Provides the core of our personality, ego, and identity

When this chakra is balanced you feel:
Confident and in control. Others see you as reliable and responsible

When this chakra is unbalanced, you might feel:
Emotional imbalances include being overly critical of others, fear of rejection, pessimistic, feeling of low self worth or low self-esteem, easily influenced,  indecisiveness, timidity or overly aggressive, and feeling powerless.

Physical symptoms could include high blood pressure, gall bladder issues, fatigue, diabetes, and stomach disorders such as ulcers and stomach aches.



heart chakra

Heart Chakra

Represents our ability to both feel and provide Love and Joy

When this chakra is balanced you feel:
Love, joy, and have the ability to easily and truly forgive. Those around you feel you accept them unconditionally.

When this chakra is unbalanced, you might feel:
Emotional imbalances include jealousy, anger, being overly critical, unforgiving or intolerant of others.  Emotionally suffocating those around you, issues with showing, feeling or expressing love, eager to be part of a relationship or loneliness.

Physical symptoms could include asthma, heart disease, back (generally upper area) and shoulder issues, and acne.



chakra throat

Throat Chakra

Represents our ability to give voice to our true self 

When this chakra is balanced you feel:
You have free flowing expression of thoughts and creativity. You are able to clearly speak the truth of ‘you’ and those around you know the true you.

When this chakra is unbalanced, you might feel:
Emotional imbalances include lack of willpower, lack of interest in listening to what other people have to say, inability to communicate ideas or express creativity or with general communication.  Shyness, feeling withdrawn and / or a lack of confidence.

Physical symptoms could include mouth, teeth, gum disorders, laryngitis, TMJ as well as neck and shoulder disorders / pain.



third eye chakra

Third Eye Chakra

Represents our ability to see and understand the big picture.

When this chakra is balanced you feel:
You have clarity and can see the big picture. You can clearly see what is real and what is an illusion. In other words, you not only ‘see’ but understand the truth in what you perceive.

When this chakra is unbalanced, you might feel:
Emotional imbalances include inability to focus or concentrate,  staying seemingly stuck in repetitive daydreaming. Difficulty with following or listening to your intuition. Confusion and losing focus to fantasizing are also clear signs of imbalance.

Physical symptoms could include headaches, nightmares, eye strain, and hearing problems.



chakra crown

Crown Chakra

Represents our ability to connect with the divine and our spiritual selves.

When this chakra is balanced you feel:
At peace, blissful, live in the present, and feel confident in your inner guidance, especially in regards to your spirituality and knowledge of higher power.

When this chakra is unbalanced, you might feel:
Emotional imbalances, particularly issues with inner guidance and lack of spiritual confidence, difficulties in staying focused or learning, and trouble comprehending spiritual concepts and ideas. You may also feel depressed, uncertain, feeling a lack or goals or purpose, or be feeling alienated.

Physical symptoms could include sensitivity to light and sound in the environment and headaches.