For the past few years I have adopted several routines that incorporate many different tools from nature to help improve my family’s mental and physical well-being.  Dried flowers, herbs and plants, essential oil blends, crystals, Sacred Geometry, organic teas, gem elixirs and meditation.

Layering these different energies feels extremely natural, fulfilling and empowers me in amazing ways.  Bathing with crystals, using essential oils in the bath, lighting fragranced candles, creating and stating affirmations with crystals and crystal grids help me to be grounded, centered, balanced, and focused on what I want to manifest in my life, overcome challenges and enjoy each and every day.

To get started you can add some dried flowers to a crystal grid to layer Mother Earth’s energies from the plants that grew in her soil with the crystals that formed deep underneath.  You can use essential oils in your bath, on your skin in lotions or in diffusers to add another layer of natural and powerful energy.

Using Sacred Geometry images or Chakra imagery with your meditations or crystal grids is also another way to combine multiple energy to help increase your manifestation potential.

Drinking gem elixirs and herbal teas before setting up a crystal grid or during the day is another wonderful way to use the gifts that Mother Earth has bestowed upon us to improve our health, mentally and physically.